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Display the currently active Unity and C# versions.

The Unity version is displayed regardless of whether or not the corrsponding C# version can be found. The C# version is determined by first checking a static table. If the Unity version isn't found, a web request is made to the Unity docs to try extracting it from there. A web request only occurs the first time a given major.minor Unity version is encountered. Subsequent invocations return the cached C# version.

C# version display is only supported from Unity 2017.1.

Unity 2017.1 - 2019.1 support two C# versions, depending on which scripting runtime is selected in Player Settings. This segment always chooses the higher version.

Sample Configuration

"type": "unity",
"style": "powerline",
"powerline_symbol": "",
"foreground": "#111111",
"background": "#ffffff",
"properties": {
"http_timeout": 2000


http_timeoutint2000in milliseconds - the timeout for http request

Template (info)

default template
\ue721 {{ .UnityVersion }}{{ if .CSharpVersion }} {{ .CSharpVersion }}{{ end }}


.UnityVersionstringthe Unity version
.CSharpVersionstringthe C# version